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About the School

Good Shepherd College is located at Hamilton Victoria. It has a junior and senior campus. The senior campus is located out of town and has a 180 acre farm with a Poll Dorset stud, Murray Grey stud and a prime lamb enterprise. There are approximately 200 students.

Ag Progam

All students study Agriculture for a semester in Year 7 and Year 8, and there is also a Year 9/10 Ag elective class that runs for the year. Ag Club (sheep, cattle and poultry) is run twice a week during lunch times as well as after school and during holidays, to prepare animals for shows.

Good Shepherd College Ag Club students show sheep at Sheepvention and Coleraine Show.

The stud

The school has 20 stud Poll Dorset ewes and 7 stud hogget ewes. The stud was established in 2016 with some ewes and lambs from Shellal Poll Dorset stud.

Shellal Award program

The Shellall Award goes to a student in Year 7 to 9 who shows commitment, enthusiasm and wants to learn about sheep farming, each year. The winner is awarded a trophy and $100, and a medal is awarded to the runner-up.An annual AI program is conducted, with semen and a back-up ram kindly donated by Mallee Park Poll Dorsets this year. We are very grateful for the support we have received from Poll Dorset Association members Tim Ferguson, Tania King and Jess Sutherland.

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